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Banquet 2000 Photo Album!


Barbie's husband James, Rae Manago & Ronnie Arevalo pose for the camera.

The Class gathers for a group picture.

Mindy Amerino & Barbie McCumber look marvelous this evening.

Coby & Cory Contrades were cash winners tonight.

Barbie, Maggie (Aledo) Turungan & Seleste (Bryant) Chock catch up on old times.

Keo (Yoshimoto) Chock gets his picture taken off-guard.

The handsome husbands of Shauna (Watson) Mau, Barbie McCumber, & Rachelle (Ranis) Manago: Kenneth, James & Les.

Barbie, Rachelle & Shauna pose for the camera just before leaving their hotel room to attend the Banquet.

Sandy Redmond, Jane Gumayagay, Jennifer (Levy) Gerrior, Leeann Morikami, Melanie Migvar & Wendy Breaux gather for a picture.

Kendall Yu, Leeann Morikami, Wendy Breaux, Bill Mulherin, Jane Gumayagay, Shari Manabe, Darren Shiroma, Sandy Redmond & Mindy Amerino.

Jacob Nieto, Mindy Amerino, Bill Mulherin & Sandy Redmond.

Kevin Chang & Sandy Redmond catch up on old times.

Sandy, Jennifer & Shari take a break.

The Banquet Committee sitting from left to right are: Lori Tanaka, Robyn Hashizaki, Jeni Brewerton, & TamiLani (Poliahu) Mack.  Standing are: Rod & April (Hipolito) Ramos, our awesome MC, Lina Girl, and Kimo Mack (Tami's husband).

Tami & Wendy pose for the photographer.

Santos & Deanne (Kanamu) Ranis take a picture on arrival.

Standing from left to right are: Les Manago, Santos Ranis III, Ace Yonamine, Cory Contrades, James McCumber & Kenneth Mau.  Sitting from left to right are: Rae Manago, Coby Contrades, Dee Ranis, Barbie McCumber & Shauna Mau.  This table had a great time this evening.

Santos & Dee take time out from dancing.

A Re-U-Knighted Class of 1990!

To add pictures to the Banquet 2000 Photo Album, send as an attachment to Dee at the e-mail link below.

This site created by: Deanne (Kanamu) Ranis

Stag Photo Album
Oceans Club
Restaurant Row

Banquet Album
Hawaiian Regent Waikiki

Family Picnic Album
Magic Island